Tackle Your closest Spring cleaning

Another trick I learned is to fold all your clothes and stack them all next to each other instead of on top of each other. You’ll be able to see everything in one glance, so you don’t have to go digging at the bottom of any stacks and destroying your piles in the process. It also helps you maximize your drawer space so you are using every corner more efficiently. (I’ve always struggled with pants but actually LOVE how they look folded up this way in the dresser!)

  1. Label It: Can I tell you how excited I was to get a label maker!! I opt for over-labeling. I like having it clear so I can’t forget and I just love the way they look! Anyone else?? I labeled all my drawers, the subsections of my drawers, and the storage bins on my top shelves. I knew it would help me be better about putting clothes away right where they go. And for bins that show that you need a bigger label for – these gold label holders are so cute! I used them in our laundry room and love them!

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